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What Students Like About Brightmont
Students are enthusiastic to share their experiences about Brightmont Academy. Northville student Allonna highlights why she likes Brightmont. She says, "Brightmont is a fun and safe place, where I feel like I can grow as both a student and a person. The teachers are incredible and they help me learn new, exciting things everyday. Everyone at Brightmont has helped me believe in myself. I have realized that I can achieve anything." Many students enjoy Brightmont for similar reasons based on their individual experiences.
1. A Safe, Focused Environment

93% of students surveyed say that Brightmont is a safe and caring place. Some students who come to Brightmont have been bullied at their previous school, while others have learning challenges that make it difficult to learn in large classrooms. At Brightmont, they are welcomed by warm and inviting teachers that get to know them individually, and they learn in a classroom where there are no distractions so they can stay focused.
Eighth grade student Tatyana likes these aspects of the supportive and focused environment at Brightmont, which have helped her become more open and relaxed, and propelled her to making gains in all academic areas. "I like Brightmont because everyone loves and respects each other," says student Kellyn. Michael, a student at Brightmont Academy – Plymouth, said his favorite aspect of the school is its calm nature. "There were too many distractions at my old school," Michael said. "Here, you're in a much more controlled environment, and I'm able to focus on my work." Students find that when they are in a nurturing environment that they feel comfortable in, their confidence soars and they become driven to reach their goals.
2. Flexible Scheduling
Students enjoy Brightmont because of the flexibility that allows them to fit passion activities like athletics, music and art into their schedules. They can move at the pace that works best for them, and pause instruction when needed.
Semi-professional hockey player Luke had been falling very behind in class, but when he enrolled at Brightmont, the one-to-one model meant Luke could work around his hockey practices, travel and competitions. He enjoyed that he was able to get back on track to graduate, while still pursuing his love for hockey. "If you are an athlete with aspirations of playing at a higher level, Brightmont is a must," says Luke. "[Attending Brightmont] gives you a competitive advantage."
Deer Valley student Kaine said, "I really like the learning environment because I get to work at my own pace. At Brightmont Academy, I have an opportunity to take Advanced Placement Psychology and Advanced Placement Calculus, which is unusual for someone in high school. The flexible schedule allows me to participate in other extracurricular activities like orchestra."
3. A Fun Place to Learn

Teachers like Alan at the Chandler campus capture the attention of students through hands-on activities that promote creativity and innovation, while also spending time at lunch to discuss topics of shared interest. "Mr. Alan is fun to talk to and you can really tell that he tries his best to connect with students and their academics," says student Christian. Students also enjoy dressing up for theme days, participating in holiday contests, playing trivia, creating costumes, and collaborating on service projects.
4. Connection to Teachers
Teachers are as integral for building relationships as they are for student learning. Students commonly say that they enjoy their teachers at Brightmont because they are supportive, patient, engaging and have positive attitudes.
Students also like that teachers are flexible, make learning more interesting, and teach at the right pace. 100% of students surveyed say that Brightmont teachers are knowledgeable in their subject area, while 83% of students say that their teachers give them helpful feedback.
With the support of her teachers, Brightmont graduate Sami gained self-confidence to turn her school experience around. "They made me feel like I can do anything," she stated. There were times when Sami would have a rough day, but "I would walk into Brightmont for class, and the teachers would help me realize, that it was all going to be ok." Sami's attitude became more positive and her grades soared. Student Joey has transformed her attitude in the year she has attended the Apple Valley campus. She says that at Brightmont, the "teachers can care about you and really want you to succeed. Teachers here are supportive and kind. They truly care about your education and want you to do your best. When I came to Brightmont I didn't respect authority and was very weary about who I trusted. Now I love and have respect for all of my teachers," says Joey. Chandler student Nicole nominated her teacher Ms. Jessica for teacher of the month, saying, "Ms. Jessica breaks down the material so well that I am never lost in her class. She puts real life situations into our class and that makes it way easier to understand. She is very nice and understanding. She's overall an amazing teacher and person."
5. Academic and Personal Growth

"Brightmont has helped me with my growth as a person," says Plymouth student Julia. 93% of students say that Brightmont helped them achieve their academic goals. Brightmont has a rigorous curriculum and uses a mastery-based learning approach to ensure that all students learn the content. 90% of students surveyed say that their teachers kept high standards so they could continue to learn and grow. They appreciate that it gets them to where they need to be academically. Erica, a Brightmont alumna, graduated Summa Cum Laude from the University of Puget Sound. She attributes much of her success to the skills she learned at Brightmont. "I feel that my academic honors are due largely to the skills and habits I learned at Brightmont, especially critical thinking and independent learning skills," says Erica.
One student who completed his studies at Brightmont sums up his experience in a nutshell. He says, "The Brightmont Academy learning program is outstanding. I couldn't have had a better and more supportive experience anywhere else and it has really changed my feelings towards going to school. Learning here has made me want to learn even more. The teachers were absolutely amazing and always willing to do anything to improve my understanding. I loved coming to Brightmont Academy and I have endless appreciation for it. Thank you so much. This is an amazing school and I absolutely loved attending."